Welcome and Introductions

Welcome and Introductions

Good evening everyone! Welcome to my first ever blog. My name is Tiphanie and i am the owner of Wild Southern Oceans. So a little bit about me... I'm from the Falkland Islands. I was born here and still live here today. My family are island farmers. They own a few small islands in the south of the archipelago where we wild raise sheep for merino wool. I lived out on the island for most of my teenage years with my parents and brother. Later on i was lucky enough to get government funding to travel to the UK for my studies where i became a marine biologist. I returned to the islands and spent a long time working as a fisheries observer,an experimental trout farmer, a web designer and many other things over the years. In the last 5 years my dreams have come true and i now work on cruise ships as a marine biologist travelling to Antarctica and the Arctic. Here i hone my skills in photography a past time i enjoy very much. After several seasons of collecting photographs i decided they should get to be seen by the world too and so Wild Southern Oceans was born! So i will leave my first blog here as there's too much to cover but my intention is to blog about my travels, the places i go, living in the Falklands and anything else you might find of interest. Have a wonderful day everyone. Let me know if you enjoyed this and if you have any questions.
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